Returns the content of a Bible.{bible}.{outputFormat}?passage={bibleReference}&key={API key}
bible | The ID of the Bible (required). |
passage | The Bible passage to return (required). |
outputFormat | Content type returned (options below) |
style | The name of a pre-defined style (options below). **Note: Takes precedence over the more specific options e.g. redLetter, header** |
formatting | all, paragraph, character, or none. Default all |
redLetter | false to remove red letter formatting for words of Christ. Default true. |
footnotes | true to include footnote content below the main content; default false. |
citation | true to include a citation below the content; default false. |
paragraphs | true to preserve paragraphs, false for one verse per line; default true. |
fullText | true to include everything, not only the biblical text; default false. |
header | format of the header (see blow); default empty |
eachVerse | format of the footer; default [VerseText] |
footer | format of the footer; default empty |
The supported output formats are text (.txt
) and HTML (.html
). To wrap the output in a JSON object, add a .json
extension (e.g. .html.json
NOTE: These styles correspond to the default Logos 4 Copy Bible Verses styles.
These parameters use the Logos 4 Copy Bible Verses syntax. Additional documentation and examples can be found in the Logos 4 help.
[FullPassageRef] | e.g., John 3:16-18 |
[ShortPassageRef] | e.g., Jn 3:16-18 |
[FullBookName] | e.g., John |
[ShortBookName] | e.g., Jn |
[ChapterNum] | e.g., 3 |
[VerseNum] | e.g., 16 |
[FullVerseRef] | e.g., John 3:16 |
[ShortVerseRef] | e.g., Jn 3:16 |
[Version] | e.g., ESV |
[VerseText] | e.g., For God so loved … |
Format headers with the verse reference and Bible version, in its own paragraph:
[FullPassageRef] ([Version])